Mobile First Design: The Benefits Of This Approach

Mobile first eCommerce design in regards to developing a successful website is a simple approach to responsive design. When developing a website, depending on how responsive it is, will determine your successes as it can open up new compatible opportunities to your current and future customers. Mobile first design is to be considered when designing where your content is going to be placed and how the users/customer will interact with it. 

To begin with you will have a lot of content and ideas on how that content gets delivered to the users and customers so it important to start small and work with a mobile design format first, then you branch out and add more information and or options as more space is revealed as the platform is increased to its largest size.

Why is mobile first design important?

Mobile first design is important to consider as you could potentially struggle to remove or compress down information after designing with a lot more space. This means content will either be left out and the user will have much less of an experience, or the smaller display will appear cramped and too full which will severely affect your customer’s experience. However, if you start of small and condense your information down at the beginning of the design stage you will realise it is easier to add more features to your screen as your total space increases.

How does responsive website design benefit you?

It benefits you in many different ways as a good website that appears to look and function well on a single platform can become a great website that looks and functions best on any platform.

Providing the same design across various devices gives the same customer experience whatever device they are viewing your site on. Customer satisfaction and user experience is highly important and providing continuity helps to seamlessly provide a fluid design and the same content. 

Having a responsive website can not only benefit your customers but can reduce the work load for you too. Web developers will only have one set of code to manage, not only reducing developments costs, but time also.

At iocea, we have a fantastic team of responsive website designers who are able to offer mobile first and HTML responsive design. Find out more about our mobile website design Lincoln based agency at our website!

Factual information

  • There are over 1.2 billion mobile web users worldwide.
  • Mobile apps have been downloaded 10.9 billion times.
  • In the U.S, 25% of mobile web users are mobile-only (they rarely use a desktop to access the web)
  • Mobile device sales are increasing across the board with over 85 percent of new handsets able to access the mobile web.

The advantages

  • Mobile first design assures that your website will be responsive so customers on any platform can access your website.
  • It compresses and simplifies your information down into a much more manageable chunk.
  • The customer field for mobile devices worldwide is constantly increasing and becoming more popular.
  • After the mobile design is done you already have the main functionality of the site and therefore only need to add more in for the larger sized devices.
  • Easy navigation.

The Disadvantages

  • Space limitation
  • More difficult to imagine the overall desktop look

Improve the user experience

The user experience is the most important aspect to consider and if you can potentially improve that experience you will gain their respect keeping users coming back and increasing consumer loyalty. 

We have all experienced a website that displays and functions great on a desktop but then we have visited the same site on a mobile device and to find what you want you have to endlessly scroll down for hours to find it.

Regarding the future

The internet is becoming more mobile every day with mobile phones becoming faster and having more processing power than your average desktop. Websites now need to be responsive and compatible with these current changes to keep up to date. 

Consumers have a much more “on-the-go” lifestyle, checking emails on the move and browsing the internet wherever possible. Mobile networks are constantly improving to allow for faster internet speeds and therefore you shouldn’t miss out on any opportunity to reach your audience.

If you are interested in finding out more about our Lincoln website design agency, or would like to discuss any requirements with our responsive website designers, visit our website, call us now on 0844 745 2000 or email to find out more.